Posts tagged ‘fight’

April 4, 2012


by Michelle B. Araneta

Sometimes we get swallowed up by life.  We get lost in all that we need to do, how we are feeling, the stress of what comes our way, what we want to say, and desperation to get it all done.  It is the feeling of being overwhelmed, and sometimes thrown into the mix for good measure is a dose of helplessness.  I have been there many, many times before and just recently, these past few days.  Usually it happens when we have so many things on our to-do list, deadlines to meet, pressure to accomplish it all, and need to get it done right, but what we don’t realize is that, this feeling is much more intensified when one has gone through abuse.

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March 20, 2012

We are not alone.

by Michelle B. Araneta

Not yesterday, not today, and never tomorrow.

Too many women and children, all over the world, believe that when abuse happens to them, it happens to only them. That is NOT true. Abuse knows nothing about color, class, age, body type, profession, education, position or anything else. Abuse does not discriminate. It knows only two things, it is only after two things, it will only hunt down two things, and that is … POWER and CONTROL.

The greatest weapon abuse has in it’s arsenal is silence. OUT OF THE FOG NOW is here to break through that silence … to shine the light on the truths and reality that violence has so cleverly hidden in the fog. No more keeping quiet, no more empowering the silence … OUT OF THE FOG NOW is here to speak up loudly and to stand proudly against the violence that women and children continue to suffer each and every day of their lives.

Each word on this site was written from the experiences, understanding and enlightenment of women who have been and/or still are being abused, suffered from and/or still suffering from Battered Woman Syndrome, fought through and/or still fighting through the legal system, stepped into and/or beginning to step into the shoes of survivors.

We are here to share our story. We are here to bring the truth about abuse and domestic violence out of the fog and into the light. We are here to stand together and recognize that we are not alone. We are here in hopes that women will learn from us, gain the strength and find the courage they need to fight this battle.