Thank You

We officially opened our blog March 20, 2012.  In that short time, we have received so much support and for that we are so grateful.  This is a hard and difficult journey for each of us, as we share our stories and open our hearts to the world.  Every “Like”, “Follow” and “Comment” is a blessing.

Thank you!


April 15, 2012

Today, we have a total of 43 followers here on WordPress, 16 Likes on Facebook, and 9 Twitter Followers!  We can not thank you all enough.


 March 31, 2012

We can not find the words to share our gratitude for the numerous support we have received in such a short time.  As of today, we have a total of 34 followers here on WordPress, 13 Likes on Facebook, and 8 Twitter Followers!  Plus, today we received our very first nomination for an award:  The Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  The nomination was received through, Paula.  We are so thankful, and so very humbled.


March 23, 2011

We have reached 10 Likes on our Facebook page!  We have 4 Followers on Twitter!  And right here on WordPress we have 16 Followers!  It may be a small accomplishment, but its still an accomplishment!  Thank you!!!

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