Posts tagged ‘fighting’

July 4, 2012

One journey.

by Michelle B. Araneta

Sometimes getting back into the swing of things is much easier said than done.

The last time I met with my lawyer, she said something to me that I haven’t quite been able to shake till now.  She told me that as she read my pieces on here, she realized that I wasn’t quite out of the fog as she had thought I was.  Since that day, I have found myself trying to prove (to myself) that I am indeed out of the fog.  Silly as it sounds, I was living life by avoiding everything that would remotely remind me of what used to be.  That is until I realized that for those of us that have lived in the fog, there will always come a point in time that although we are out, we will have our moments with one foot in the light while the other slipped back into the darkness.

I tried to explain to her the reasons I felt were important to understand why it may appear this way to her, not seeing that I was actually making excuses.  It was a hard admission I had to face.  I was in denial, to be honest.  I couldn’t possibly believe that after all this time, how hard I’ve worked, and how intensely I have fought … that maybe, just maybe … I was back at where I started.

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March 20, 2012

My Beginning …

by Michelle B. Araneta

*originally written March 8, 2011

It was an otherwise insignificant day in late 2007 that my world changed.  At the time, I wasn’t quite sure if it was for the better or for the worse, but what I was sure of, was the fact that my prayers were answered.  Looking back on that day, I can’t help but smile to myself as I remember the saying, “Be careful of what you wish for, because, you might just get it.”  Though, it is easy to say that in hindsight, it has been nothing but a hard and difficult journey to get to where I am today.  All of which has been worth it, because without it, none of what I share with you would be possible.

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